
Forge Development

Web viewing of Review and AutoCAD projects

Overview: Forge Development

Forge development facilitates the viewing of projects performed in engineering platforms, such as Revit and AutoCAD, allowing the easy and intuitive follow-up in a web page.


The platform enables the creation of automated processes that are fully integrated with other tools and internal systems of companies, allowing a complete and integrated process.

What is Forge

Forge is a platform of cloud products and services (SAS/PAS) created by Autodesk to allow the use of its desktop products as a service.


On this platform, it is possible to create documents of products such as AutoCAD and Revit, access to complex projects, and viewing of real-time data.

What does Ofcdesk team create on Forge

The Ofcdesk team programs plugins that understand AutoCAD and Revit files and “translate” the information into an intuitive and easy to view website.  


The platform enables the development of web apps, or even portals, enabling the integration with other apps (desktop and mobile).

The development on Forge facilitates project viewing

Benefits of Forge Development

Benefits of Forge Development

Solutions that are robust, expandable, and available 24/7.

Viewing of AutoCAD and Revit files on a webpage.

Flexible platform and in continuous evolution.


Automationof design processes.

Web viewing of3D and 2D modeling.

Solutionsthat are robust, expandable, and available 24/7

Viewing ofAutoCAD and Revit files on a webpage.

Flexible platform and in continuous evolution.


Automation of design processes.

Web viewing of3D and 2D modeling.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut convallis justo ex, id sollicitudin ex tempus non. Proin et vehicula risus. Aliquam erat volutpat. In ornare porta lectus, in fermentum felis mattis vel. Fusce dignissim erat ut dui finibus, vehicula pellentesque risus facilisis. Praesent nec urna sit amet urna ornare fringilla vitae vitae augue. Etiam vel rutrum quam, nec congue sem. Donec tincidunt mi a enim tincidunt, nec consequat lectus varius. Donec placerat, ex at commodo dictum, orci orci aliquam nibh, sit amet consequat libero purus id neque. Nullam et magna lorem. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Phasellus facilisis et mi ut scelerisque.


Talk to Ofcdesk specialists to learn how the Forge Development can meet the specific needs of your project.

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